
force-cube-init creates a datacube-definition of a certain projection.


force-cube-init [-h] [-v] [-i] [-d datacube-dir] [-o lon/lat]
      [-t tile-size] [-c chunk-size] projection

-h  = show this help
-v  = show version
-i  = show program's purpose

-d datacube-dir = output directory for datacube definition
   default: current working directory

-o lon,lat = origin coordinates of the grid
   use geographic coordinates!
   longitude is X!
   latitude  is Y!
   default: -25,60, is ignored for pre-defined projections!

-t tile-size
   default: 30km, is ignored for pre-defined projections!

-c chunk-size
   default: 3km, is ignored for pre-defined projections!

Positional arguments:
- Projection (custom WKT string or built-in projection