User-Defined Functions

How to customize your processing

This tutorial introduces User-Defined Functions in the FORCE Higher Level Processing system (HLPS).


This tutorial uses FORCE v. 3.7.4.

We assume that you already have an existing Level 2 ARD data pool, which contains preprocessed data for multiple years (see Level 2 ARD tutorial). We also assume that you have a basic understanding of the higher-level processing system (see interpolation tutorial). Python skills are mandatory, too.



FORCE is an all-in-one processing engine for medium-resolution Earth Observation image archives. FORCE uses the data cube concept and enables you to perform all essential tasks in a typical EO Analysis workflow, i.e. going from data to information. So far, FORCE merely consisted of rather generic, hand-picked workflows, which are

  1. proven to fulfill a plethora of research requirements,

  2. computationally optimized, multithreaded algorithms written in C,

  3. easily parameterized without any programming expertise.

Thus, FORCE already packs a mouthful of efficient functionality to reduce the entry barrier of large-scale / long-term / dense time-series / big-data applications, and all this in a reproducible manner. However, what FORCE lacks is full flexibility that can only be provided by interpreted languages like Python (or R, etc.). Yet, to pythonize (is that a word?) a large-scale / long-term / dense time-series / big-data workflow, a big pile of boilerplate code needs to be written to deal with cumbersome things like filtering datasets, selecting files that match some criteria (dates, sensors, etc.), subsetting and matching bands, file access, input checks, reading input, parsing the quality information, looping over tiles, blocks and pixels, the output of data, the output of metadata, parallelization, and whatnot…

Now, we developed one possible solution and aimed at combining the best of both worlds. We use

  1. FORCE as “backend” to handle all the boring but necessary stuff that a regular user wants no part of, and

  2. introduce User-Defined Functions (UDF) written in Python to implement, well, whatever you can think of.

These UDFs only contain the algorithm itself with minimal boilerplate. You can write simple scripts, or even plug in complicated algorithms. You have a BFAST, LandTrendr, or CCDC implementation in Python? Plug-it in! You don’t even need to re-compile FORCE, just name the path to the UDF and run. The FORCE Docker images even pack some UDFs that are instantly ready to go (we will come back to this later).

FORCE currently provides two entry points for UDFs, both in the Higher Level Processing module.

Entry Point 1: The generic entry point for ARD

Example 1: Compositing

The UDF submodule provides you a high level of flexibility as it gives you access to the complete reflectance profile of multi-temporal and multi-sensor FORCE data collections.

In this tutorial, we will implement the medoid, a compositing technique heavily used by our Australian colleagues - but not yet natively available in FORCE.


Illustrative example of medoid selection in 2-dimensional space © Neil Flood / Remote Sensing

First, we generate a FORCE parameter file:

force-parameter -c /data/udf/medoid.prm UDF

Then, you have to specify the regular things like input and output directories, processing extent, parallelization options, etc. We will not go into detail here, please see the basic HLPS tutorial for general usage.

We are going to use one year of Landsat data:

DATE_RANGE = 2019-01-01 2019-12-31

Then, we tell FORCE where to find the UDF script, and that the UDF shall be a pixel function. This means that we need to provide some Python code that works on the time series of a single pixel. The last parameter tells FORCE that we activate UDF processing and output the designated product (PYP - **Py**thon **P**lugin that is).

FILE_PYTHON = /udf/ard/

On FORCE’s end, we are now set up and ready to go. In the next step, we have to write the UDF. For this, create a file (same filename as defined above), and edit it with the IDE / text editor of your choice.

In the global scope, we can import any module that you may need (you have to install it beforehand, but installing it in your userspace is sufficient - although this might not work when using the FORCE Docker container). Input and output arrays are numpy, so we always need this. Additionally, we use scipy for some algebra (note: some versions don’t work… v. 1.6.0 was successfully used here).

import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform, pdist

Then, each UDF needs an initializer. Important: do not change the function signature or name! This function will set up the output and informs FORCE how much memory to allocate. You need to define some output bands. You can use fixed strings - or dynamically work with the variables that are provided through the function arguments. As we want to implement a compositing technique, i.e., reduce a time series to a single spectrum, we want to match the output bands with the input, thus, we simply pass through the bandnames:

def forcepy_init(dates, sensors, bandnames):
    dates:     numpy.ndarray[nDates](int) days since epoch (1970-01-01)
    sensors:   numpy.ndarray[nDates](str)
    bandnames: numpy.ndarray[nBands](str)

    return bandnames

In the next step, we implement the pixel-based algorithm in the forcepy_pixel function. Do not rename, do not change the function signature.

def forcepy_pixel(inarray, outarray, dates, sensors, bandnames, nodata, nproc):
    inarray:   numpy.ndarray[nDates, nBands, nrows, ncols](Int16), nrows & ncols always 1
    outarray:  numpy.ndarray[nOutBands](Int16) initialized with no data values
    dates:     numpy.ndarray[nDates](int) days since epoch (1970-01-01)
    sensors:   numpy.ndarray[nDates](str)
    bandnames: numpy.ndarray[nBands](str)
    nodata:    int
    nproc:     number of allowed processes/threads (always 1)
    Write results into outarray.

The input is a 4D numpy array with dimensions for dates, bands, rows, and columns. When writing a “pixel-function”, rows and columns are always 1 (we will come later to “block-functions”), thus our first step is to collapse the spatial dimensions. We check against the nodata value, and skip early if none of the time steps holds data:

inarray = inarray[:, :, 0, 0]
valid = np.where(inarray[:, 0] != nodata)[0]  # skip no data; just check first band
if len(valid) == 0:

This small piece of code implements the medoid. It extracts the spectrum of the observation that is most central in our multidimensional space:

pairwiseDistancesSparse = pdist(inarray[valid], 'euclidean')
pairwiseDistances = squareform(pairwiseDistancesSparse)
cumulativDistance = np.sum(pairwiseDistances, axis=0)
argMedoid = valid[np.argmin(cumulativDistance)]
medoid = inarray[argMedoid, :]

Finally, we copy the medoid spectrum to the pre-allocated output array. This one-dimensional array is as long as defined via forcepy_init. Each band should go to one index.

outarray[:] = medoid

This is it, save the script, and conveniently roll out the UDF using FORCE:

force-higher-level /data/udf/medoid.prm

Medoid composite for Rhineland Palatinate, Germany (R: NIR, G: SWIR1, B: Red)

Entry Point 2: Time series analysis entry point

Example 2: Interpolation

The second entry point is within the TSA submodule. The mode of operation is similar to above, but here, the user profits from other functions already implemented in FORCE, among others the calculation of spectral indices or time series interpolation.

But probably, you want interpolate the data with a different method? How about the popular harmonic model?


Harmonic models fitted to a Landsat time series © Zhe Zhu / Remote Sensing of Environment

Let’s generate a FORCE parameter file:

force-parameter -c /data/udf/harmonic.prm TSA

We are going to use multiple years of Landsat and Sentinel-2 data without interpolation:

DATE_RANGE = 2015-01-01 2020-12-31

Another new feature in FORCE >= v. 3.7: land-cover-adaptive spectral harmonization, so let’s try this as well:


As spectral index, we will use the recently developed kernelized NDVI:


Again, a pixel-based UDF:

FILE_PYTHON = /udf/ts/

We create a new Python script, and start by loading some modules to deal with dates, as well as scipy for fitting a regressor.

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

We can use the global scope to define parameters, e.g. config variables like the start/end dates and interpolation step:

# some global config variables
date_start = 16436  # days since epoch (1970-01-01)
date_end   = 18627  # days since epoch (1970-01-01)
step = 16  # days

In the initializer function, we use these variables to generate formatted bandnames. As a rule, FORCE will automatically check whether the 1st word is an 8-digit date, and if so, it will set the metadata correctly.

def forcepy_init(dates, sensors, bandnames):

    bandnames = [(datetime(1970, 1, 1) + timedelta(days=days)).strftime('%Y%m%d') + ' sin-interpolation'
                for days in range(date_start, date_end, step)]
    return bandnames

In the next step, we define the regressor, e.g. Zhe Zhu’s time series model based on harmonic components. We are not going into detail here as we assume that the reader is familiar with how these things work in Python:

# regressor
# - define all three models from the paper
def objective_simple(x, a0, a1, b1, c1):
    return a0 + a1 * np.cos(2 * np.pi / 365 * x) + b1 * np.sin(2 * np.pi / 365 * x) + c1 * x

def objective_advanced(x, a0, a1, b1, c1, a2, b2):
    return objective_simple(x, a0, a1, b1, c1) + a2 * np.cos(4 * np.pi / 365 * x) + b2 * np.sin(4 * np.pi / 365 * x)

def objective_full(x, a0, a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, a3, b3):
    return objective_advanced(x, a0, a1, b1, c1, a2, b2) + a3 * np.cos(6 * np.pi / 365 * x) + b3 * np.sin(
        6 * np.pi / 365 * x)

# - choose which model to use
objective = objective_full

In forcepy_pixel, we flatten the input array. We can do this because the TSA module is only considering one index at a time, thus dimensions 2-3 are of length 1. If we use multiple Indices (e.g. INDEX = kNDVI TC-GREEN NDVI), the function is simply invoked multiple times. If there is no data, we are exiting early and safe.

def forcepy_pixel(inarray, outarray, dates, sensors, bandnames, nodata, nproc):

    # prepare dataset
    profile = inarray.flatten()
    valid = profile != nodata
    if not np.any(valid):

We fit a harmonic model to the VI time series (y) along the date axis (x):

# fit
xtrain = dates[valid]
ytrain = profile[valid]
popt, _ = curve_fit(objective, xtrain, ytrain)

Then, we predict the VI at each interpolation step …

# predict
xtest = np.array(range(date_start, date_end, step))
ytest = objective(xtest, *popt)

… and put the values into the output array:

outarray[:] = ytest

Save the script, and roll-out with FORCE:

force-higher-level /data/udf/medoid.prm

The interpolated time series look like this:


Harmonic fit for a deciduous forest pixel. White points: individual kNDVI observations. Green curve: fitted values.


As described above, FORCE sets the dates in the metadata, such that the Raster Data Plotting and Raster Time Series Manager QGIS plug-ins can visualize these data.

Example 3: Predictive features

So far, we have written pixel functions. These are parallelized according to the NTHREAD_COMPUTE parameter using a Python multiprocessing pool, i.e., a Python layer that is hidden from you for your convenience. FORCE also offers to provide block functions, wherein the Python UDF receives a whole block of data. In this case, FORCE does not parallelize the computation, but this can be well compensated for if your UDF is constrained to a series of fast numpy array functions.

A potential use case is the generation of predictive features. FORCE already packs a lot of that functionality, but in case you need more flexibility, the following recipe might be interesting for you.

We will implement the Dynamic Habitat Indices, which were designed for biodiversity assessments and to describe habitats of different species (these are very similar to the STMs already included in FORCE, but not exactly the same).

There are three DHIs:

  1. DHI cum – cumulative DHI, i.e., the area under the phenological curve of a year

  2. DHI min – minimum DHI, i.e., the minimum value of the phenological curve of a year

  3. DHI var – seasonality DHI, i.e., the coefficient of variation of the phenological curve of a year

Generate a FORCE parameter file:

force-parameter -c /data/udf/dhi.prm TSA

We are going to use exactly one year of Landsat and Sentinel-2 data. We enable RBF interpolation with extraordinarily large kernels to make sure that the time series does not contain any nodata values. The latter is necessary as the cumulative DHI is sensitive to the number of observations N.

I personally would prefer to normalize by N, i.e., the mean, but we here want to implement the original DHI.

DATE_RANGE = 2018-01-01 2018-12-31
RBF_SIGMA = 8 16 32 64
INT_DAY = 16

As above, we also use spectrally harmonized kNDVI:


Then, we tell FORCE that we will provide a block function:

FILE_PYTHON = /udf/ts/

The Python script has a very similar structure to the previous examples. We load some modules …

import numpy as np
import warnings

… and define the three DHI output bands:

def forcepy_init(dates, sensors, bandnames):

    return ['cumulative', 'minimum', 'variation']

forcepy_block has the same function signature as forcepy_pixel, but the input array holds a complete block of data, i.e., nrows and ncols are greater than 1. In the TSA submodule, nbands is always 1, thus, we strip away the band dimension, convert the array to Float, and replace nodata values by NaN to enable np.nan-functions. Again, we assume that you know how these things work in Python, thus, we do not provide much explanation here.

def forcepy_block(inarray, outarray, dates, sensors, bandnames, nodata, nproc):
    inarray:   numpy.ndarray[nDates, nBands, nrows, ncols](Int16)
    outarray:  numpy.ndarray[nOutBands](Int16) initialized with no data values
    dates:     numpy.ndarray[nDates](int) days since epoch (1970-01-01)
    sensors:   numpy.ndarray[nDates](str)
    bandnames: numpy.ndarray[nBands](str)
    nodata:    int
    nproc:     number of allowed processes/threads
    Write results into outarray.

    # prepare data
    inarray = inarray[:, 0].astype(np.float32) # cast to float ...
    invalid = inarray == nodata
    if np.all(invalid):
    inarray[invalid] = np.nan        # ... and inject NaN to enable np.nan*-functions

Next, we catch and ignore warnings. This is a cosmetic procedure as numpy will print some warnings if one pixel only contains nodata values (not critical, but ugly). The DHI computation itself is simple: we simply use numpy statistical aggregations along the temporal axis. The scaling factors are necessary as FORCE expects to receive 16bit Integers from Python.

# calculate DHI
with warnings.catch_warnings():
    warnings.simplefilter("ignore", RuntimeWarning)
    cumulative = np.nansum(inarray, axis=0) / 1e2
    minimum    = np.nanmin(inarray, axis=0)
    variation  = np.nanstd(inarray, axis=0) / np.nanmean(inarray, axis=0) * 1e4

The three DHI indices are then copied to the output array …

# store results
for arr, outarr in zip([cumulative, minimum, variation], outarray):
    valid = np.isfinite(arr)
    outarr[valid] = arr[valid]

… and we roll out with:

force-higher-level /data/udf/dhi.prm

If we generate for a large extent (multiple tiles), use mosaics and pyramids:

force-pyramid /data/udf/X*/*.tif
force-mosaic /data/udf

Dynamic Habitat Indices for Rhineland Palatinate, Germany (R: cumulative, G: minimum, B: variation)

In yellow, we have land covers that have photosynthetically active vegetation across the entire year (high cumulation and high minimum), e.g. coniferous forests. In red, we have a fairly high cumulation, too, but a low minimum, e.g. deciduous forests that shed their leaves in the winter. In blue, we have land covers with high seasonality and a complete barren surface at one point in the year. These are mostly agricultural areas. The gradient from blue to purple indicates that biomass is present for a longer time throughout the year for some of the fields. This may be related to different crop types (that take longer to grow) or where double cropping is present.

FORCE UDF repository

Now, it’s your turn! Plug your Python algos into FORCE and roll them out.

If you do, we encourage you to share your UDFs, such that the community as a whole benefits, and gains access to a broad variety of workflows. This extra step of publishing your workflow is a small step to overcome the so-called “Valley of Death” in Earth observation applications and fosters reproducible research!

To make it easier for you, we have created a FORCE UDF repository, where you can pull-request your UDF (only minimal documentation needed, see the examples).

All examples from this tutorial are included there, too.

As a bonus, the UDFs in that repository are automatically shipped with the FORCE Docker containers (davidfrantz/force) (mounted under /home/docker, e.g. /home/docker/udf/python/ard/medoid/, thus making it easier than ever to contribute to the FORCE project.



This tutorial was written by David Frantz, main developer of FORCE, Assistant Professor at Trier University Views are his own.

EO, ARD, Data Science, Open Science


The FORCE-Python bridge and UDF mechanic was co-developed by Andreas Rabe, research assistant at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Views are his own.

Software Development, Remote Sensing, Data Science, Python, QGIS