

Usage: force-cube [-hvirsantobj] input-file(s)

-h = show this help
-v = show version
-i = show program's purpose
-r = resampling method
     any GDAL resampling method for raster data, e.g. cubic (default)
     is ignored for vector data
-s = pixel resolution of cubed data, defaults to 10
-a = optional attribute name for vector data. force-cube will burn these values into the
     output raster. default: no attribute is used;
     a binary mask with geometry presence (1) or absence (0) is generated
-l = layer name for vector data (default: basename of input, without extension)
-n = output nodate value (defaults to 255)
-t = output data type (defaults to Byte; see GDAL for datatypes; but note that FORCE HLPS
     only understands Int16 and Byte types correctly)
-o = output directory: the directory where you want to store the cubes defaults to current
     directory 'datacube-definition.prj' needs to exist in there
-b = basename of output file (without extension) defaults to the basename of the input-file
     cannot be used when multiple input files are given
-j = number of jobs, defaults to 'as many as possible'

input-file(s) = the file(s) you want to cube